God in Control
July 27th, 2023
What Are You Worried About? God is in Control.The Lord Jesus understands very well how noise from this world makes us anxious. The world's voice tells us the short way to get rich, famous, safe, and m...  Read More
by Jonathan Stephen
The best defence is a great offence
July 26th, 2023
Good morning church family!As we have been on this journey of holding on to truth, we discovered that our greatest defence is knowing who Jesus is.Knowing that He has power over all thingsKnowing that...  Read More
by Erica Lavallee
The sovereign God
July 25th, 2023
Good morning everyone ,Doug here with this mornings devo...Sunday Erica spoke on the absolute Rule and sovereignty of God. God is Sovereign. But what does this mean? The word “sovereignty” means “Supr...  Read More
by Doug Durette
Our Hope
July 24th, 2023
Good morning everyone,Hope you all slept well and are well rested for a brand new day and week! His mercies are fresh and new each morning.Yesterday morning we heard part 3 of our series "Hold Onto Tr...  Read More
by Ashley Sadden
Knowing where you stand
July 21st, 2023
Good morning Forever Family! Pastor Mona here with a little nugget from Sunday’s message. Paul the apostle wanted the believers to understand their identity in Christ because the enemy knows that if w...  Read More
by Mona Stephen
You are not alone
July 20th, 2023
Good morning  everyone! I thank you for all of you and I'm here to remind you that you are not alone. Be strengthen today and let us begin...People say time flies when you’re having fun, but when thin...  Read More
by Jonathan Stephen





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