
Good morning everyone , I hope you are all well rested and ready for today . God has major plans for you today , He always has plans , He's always working in and around you to help you come to a better understanding of Himself and drawing you closer and providing hope through you to those around you . What a privilege we have to sit at Jesus's feet and listen to the wisdom and truth He imparts to us when we take the time to be with Him.

This morning because we are fasting together to see breakthrough in our lives and the lives of others I want to remind you that fasting is one of the weapons God has given us to break strongholds and obtain the freedom from habits in our lives that simply dont seem to want to leave with simple prayer.

In Mark Chapter 9, a father brought his son to nine of Jesus’ disciples. The boy was demonized and epileptic, and even though the disciples had healed people before, they couldn’t heal him. When the disciples brought the boy to Jesus and he was healed, they asked Jesus this question, “Why couldn’t we do it?”  Jesus answers in verse 29, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer and fasting.”

There are things that God desires to happen in our lives and ministry that won’t happen unless we fast. Fasting breaks strongholds, liberates people, and moves us into a realm of realizing God’s power in our lives.
The more time you’re spending with God, the more you’re going to see the hand of God on your life in an extraordinary way. Like the disciples, there are things that God wills for us to do that we will not have the power to bring about unless we have spent time with Him.

 As we fast, there will be physical challenges along the way. Some may experience a caffeine headache, some may not feel well. For most there is more than just a little detoxing happening in our bodies. But the battle is more than physiological; as we fast a spiritual battle is being waged. Things are happening in the spiritual realm that we neither perceive nor understand outside of God revealing those things to us.

It’s important to remember that fasting is more than just missing a meal. Powerful seasons of fasting are experienced when we plan to spend additional time in God’s presence as we fast. As well, purpose now that every hunger pang, every feeling of fatigue, and every caffeine headache will be a reminder to call on God in that moment and to cry out for those things you are seeking Him to do in your life.

Someone once said  “[Fasting] is a desperate measure, for desperate times, among those who know themselves desperate for God.”

Are you desperate to see things change in your life......Then FAST.... God will honour it and you will be filled with Joy as you watch His hand move in your life...



DOROTHY SAVOIE - October 31st, 2023 at 6:53am

Thanks Doug.I never realize so much about how strong is fasting.Gee sitting at Jesus feet and listenning to what He has to say.I love it.I need to be free and believe by fasting I will be set free...I did lots of progress but got to keep my eyes on God.I worship alot more and more in the Bible trying to keep my eyes on Him.Then I am so much happier.Yes He has a plan for me.I must obey to Him to His voice I hear Him.When you s preach I cant be close enough....I do listen need my concentration to hear God talking to me.

Colleen - October 31st, 2023 at 7:11am

Thank you for the dev Doug. I needed this today.

Erica - October 31st, 2023 at 8:33am


Rosa - October 31st, 2023 at 8:08pm

THANK YOU for the devo I really needed that have a great day

Line - November 5th, 2023 at 5:24am

Thank you Doug for this devo. Fasting for me I find it hard. I do fast but not easy. God knows my struggles right now. I am asking him to increase my faith as I was having from the beginning. Something change in me I do know. God just confirms it not not long ago. I really need him can't do this alone. I think trough the years being in pain all the time didn't help me. My faith kind a decrease but I want it back. I need to keep my eyes on Him every day. I am thankful for his strength. Have a great day 🙂





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