Fix our hearts

Good morning Forever Family!
I stand amazed at God’s goodness and His Faithfulness. We have much to be thankful!.
in order for us to be committed to our journey, either it be our journey of faith or this wonderful journey with the building project. The one thing we need is to fix our eyes upon is Jesus!
Hebrews 12: 1-2 tells us ….to run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. No matter what’s going on, summer distractions, family troubles, personal challenges, or even building projects, God is in control! I hope you will speak this aloud and claim its promises for yourself.

We need to recognize the journey is long, and we need to be watchful and sober. I love this statement by Pastor Allan:  
 We are aware of an adversary. 
 We wrestle with the inconsistency of our own hearts. 
 We see many temptations.
 We weep for the pain and suffering around us. 
 But our plans are made. Our course is charted. Our hearts are fixed. 
 The One who promised is faithful. 
 The One who called us will deliver us to our destination. 
 The Author of our faith is the Completer of our story. His strength is sufficient. His wisdom is transcendent. 
 His watchfulness is flawless. His presence is permanent. 
 His joy is our strength. 


 No matter the challenges! God is moving and I hope we will all be found participating with his plan. How about you? Will you stay healthy spiritually this summer by taking the step to come to the Bible Study on Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. . We invite you to join us for breakfast and fellowship, in order to stay connected, vibrant and alive in Jesus, while we stay faithful to the building project.  

Tonight for the building project, we will be preparing for the cement trucks which are arriving Friday afternoon. We need strong able bodies!

Thank you for your support! Have a blessed day!


Almeda - July 6th, 2023 at 9:28am

Thank you for this devo. We certainly need to on guard for ourselves and also our brothers and sisters .

Line - July 6th, 2023 at 11:15am

Thank you for this devotion. We need to be ready for what is coming. Need to be on our gard ,watchful. Have a great day. 🙂 ❤️





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