For 25 years now, we have seen God move on our behalf, calling us as a church to follow His lead, to establish His Kingdom here in the Northshore, and advance the cause of Christ to our community. Every step of the way God, when we look back we can see how God has built our church one space at a time, one room at a time, and how it was from within this church body and community of faith that God moved every project forward.

We were faced with a decision to build once again as we were running out of space. With much prayer, consideration, and council, we we made the decision to bring our church forward once again as God continues to grow us into a mighty army for his Kingdom purposes.

Thank you to each and everyone of you who donated money, prayed, dedicated your time, talents, gifts, food, and so much more along the journey! Your faithfulness and dedication along the way has made a huge impact here at Living Hope Church!

Please enjoy the pictures below to follow along and enjoy the journey we have been on!

Completion Fund

We’ve invited our church body to prayerfully consider how God might be leading them to contribute to our new exciting fundraiser called the "Completion Fund" where we are working together to pay off the remaining cost for our newly renovated building. 

We set out with a new goal of $16,149.72. Thank you so much for your generosity and faithfulness in this journey so far!

Let’s continue to trust God together as we finish what He has started. For more details and to fill out a pledge card, please visit us in person! You can give in person or online.

Together, we can achieve this goal for the furtherance of God's Kingdom and the glory of His name!

It is a fundraiser campaign to help pay off remaining cost for our newly renovated building.

If you would like to participate in our "Completion Fund" there are a few options.
1. Give extra money (offering) every month above your regular tithes. Pray about the amount you want to give to God for this fundraiser and commit yourself to giving that amount each month until the end of the project. (See pledge card info above)
2. Pray about an amount and give a one time pledge.
3. Pledge an amount by faith at the end of the fundraiser.

If you have made the decision to give, there are several ways to do so.
1. You can place your donations in the envelope system at church and place in the giving baskets on Sunday.
2. Give online through our website or church app.
3.Text "LHGIVING" to 1-888-364-GIVE.
4. Mail a cheque to us at 29936 Route 134 Dalhousie Jct. E3N 6A8
*be sure to specify or choose "building fund".