
Good morning everyone,

Hope you all slept well. Let's thank God for a new day where his mercy is fresh and new.

Today we will wrap up our devotions for the week with some last reflections and thoughts on the message we heard on Sunday by Pastor Tony Evans about pressing on to maturity.
As Pastor Tony evans shared, we came to understand that we need to press on to maturity by activating and utilizing the Word of God in our daily lives. We can't just look the part  or be full of the Biblical knowledge. We need to take what we learn and read in the Word and put it into practice in our every day decisions in life. The more practice we have in using the Word, the greater our discernment will be. When the Holy Spirit wants to whisper sometiing, we will be able to discern Him because we have activated His Word and know how to apply it to life.

Many of God's people are in a storm right now. Its a great encouragement to know that Jesus is our High Priest. Like the story in Genesis 14, the king and priest Melchizedek refreshed Abraham after the battle he just came from. Is that you today? Are you in a battle or coming out of one? Go to Jesus's Word, pray and seek Him in the Scriptures. He wants to speak to you through His Word not only help you maure and grow, but He also wants to be your portion and  comforter. Allow Him to refresh and renew you like Melchizedek did for Abraham. He is our true King and High Priest.
May God bring you much comfort through His Word today.

Ashley ♥️ 

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