Good Morning Church!

I hope you all slept well and that you are ready for a new day! Yesterday we heard part 4 of our sermon series called "Adopted Not Rejected" by our brother Doug. I believe God touched many hearts yesterday and that He revealed many things to us. Thank you Lord for yesterday's message.

One of the things Doug talked about was  when he talked about healing the broken mindset of rejection and healing the broken lens of how we see and regard authority figures. I don't know about you, but my own experience with authority figures was not great growing up. Authority figures in my life weren't really safe for me and I couldn't really trust or count on them. They were a source of pain really. And as a consequence, my experience left me with an unhealthy fear of authority to the other extreme. Regardless, my view, my lens of authority was broken and there are still remnants of that today. It affected how I view authority today, and even how I view God. Now don't get me wrong, God has been healing those areas of my life for years now, but there are still broken areas that He is going after and healing for sure.

Doug talked about how rejection has a close friend that is a subtle destroyer which is rebellion. As we learned yesterday, rebellion is deeply tied to the root of rejection because rejection
communicates a narrative that God and people do not love you and then rebellion comes along and lies to us and tells us to get away from authority figures and makes us think we don't need them. It causes us to do life on our own and it brings our pain and hurt right to the forefront of our minds and hearts and fools us into thinking we can take matters into our own hands and we know that when we do that it doesn't lead us down a healthy road. We know by looking at Scripture that God is the ultimate authority and that He is NOTHING like the authority we experienced in our childhoods or in those events that hurt us and brought us pain. God wants to be our ABBA Father and restore the broken lens of how we view authority and heal our hearts of the pain we have went through. He doesn't want us to walk with heads down or be on guard protecting ourselves from further pain and hurt. He wants to show us that He can restore us and bring us back to that place of trusting Him, and not ourselves to see us through to our tomorrow's.

No matter what, God is our ultimate authority and if He has some healing to do in your heart today when it comes to this area, bring it to Him and allow His Holy Spirit to bring to the surface the pain and rejection you felt and experienced growing up or even as an adult. He can heal, because that is his job.

Have a wonderful day Church.

You are loved and fully accepted in Him.



DOROTHY SAVOIE - November 27th, 2023 at 5:51am


Rosa - November 27th, 2023 at 6:38am

Starting from five year old I had to take care of my brothers and sister and I hated that but it was my job so my brothers and sisters hated me no matter what I did they hates me and if they did wrong than my mother punish me because I was the older and need to give example and I was punish. Then I loved to go to school at twelve and take care of them all and take care of the house so I.cry a lot because I wanted to be a doctor and they all mock and saying who do I thing that I was So I became the all around all the neighborhood. I became there object of moquerie so I just got so angry it was scary and it lasted a very long time before I gives. My life to Jesus and he is faithful and loving and work on me Have a great day Love you

Maia - November 27th, 2023 at 6:55am

I struggled with a knee-jerk reaction to authority for a long time - mainly when the authority came across as controlling (I lived in a controlling, abusive relationship for years, and I did not have any Godly figures in my life growing up, so did not know what healthy relationships should look like. I was easily used and abused).

In saying this, God has showed me that I don't have to have a knee-jerk response to everyone, and that there are people that He placed in my life for my own good. Hebrews 13:17 tells us to obey our spiritual leaders, and do what they say. Their work is to watch over our souls, and they are accountable to God. Also Ephesians 4:11-12: "So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up." They watch over my soul and help build me up! I'll take it!

And, I can choose to trust them, because I trust God, and if they make a mistake, God still has me covered. Romans 8:28: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

DOROTHY SAVOIE - November 27th, 2023 at 8:10am

I do have a hard time with autority its not every one that I can take it with P.Mona twice she told me something but I knew she loved me so could take it.My sister depending of how its said at times feel autority I cant take it.I know she loves me and me too.I do need healing.I love you s alot.

DOROTHY SAVOIE - November 27th, 2023 at 7:57am

Beeing raised by my grand parents baby to 14 I learned by my grand father who took me in the woods would say d ont tell your mother.I was 3 years old.After 4 or 5 times told him to stop he did.But followed me at school had lots the strrap pointer on my fingers never told.At 14 my father forced my mother to come get me with all my things...that hurted so so much.Right away abused me sexually for 3 years.I hated him so so much.I ve been mad at the whold world.Ihated...Madness was so much in me.I was so bitter.To me my mother took me very long to accept her for my mother.Inside me my grand mother is my mother.There was lotts of rejections.That follows me...If I would know that one of the mens that I love so much of our church would hsve abuse kids ouff I would be so mad.Have a hard time with that.I know I aint ready to give my testamony I still need healing.

DOROTHY SAVOIE - November 27th, 2023 at 8:10am

I do have a hard time with autority its not every one that I can take it with P.Mona twice she told me something but I knew she loved me so could take it.My sister depending of how its said at times feel autority I cant take it.I know she loves me and me too.I do need healing.I love you s alot.

Joyce bertin - November 27th, 2023 at 9:16am

Morning as i was listening to What doug was saying in the message yesterday i found myself in that place of feeling rejectied by alot of things an feeling un loved an that bought me down into places i did not want to go when i was a child alot of things happenin at home that cause fear an not loved so all my life i felt un love an not wanted brcause of abuse an other things happening in my life as a child brought be alot of fear an feeling abanded as i wSgrowing up left me searching for love an exceped in ways that was not good an feft because i was not loved an cared for back then i felt God was the same until i realize God was not that way at all he loved me un conditional not like my dad did was not the same kind of love Yet still today i think that way an lots of times i fear an get anxious but then i realize it does not come from God in second Timothy 1:7 God said he has not given me the spirit. of fear but of power love and a sound mind so when i fear an feel anxious i learn to run to him an not to believe in the lies of the enemy

Colleen - November 27th, 2023 at 9:28pm

Thank you Ashley for the devotion. I really appreciated those devotions always looking for them every day.

Lindakeaysjones - November 28th, 2023 at 4:38am

Thank you Ashley for sharing the nuggets from Sunday'a sermon from Doug! It sure brought me down to memory lane, how many times God's love kept me from drowning in despair because how I viewed myself! God's amazing love heal me from so many hurts and pain! still have a few lies and distorted views , ky hope is in Jesus and I know He is working in me an He will iron out all the wrinkles until He comes and get me !thank you Lord Jesus for your mercies and amazing love! god is good❤️

Line - November 29th, 2023 at 4:44am

Thank you Ashley 😊 Myself with authority with certain person I do have a hard time to take it. In the past I was crushed down with certain authority they we're harsh with me make me feel that I was not good for anything. I was not encouraged in much things in my life. Thank be to God today that he is in my life . He change me me in many ways and he still working on myself for me to know that he love me so much more than I could imagine. I need him every day. I learn to live one day at the time as best as I could . I can't do nothing with out him. Have a great day 🙂 ❤️





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