Jesus Knows

Good morning everyone , Hope you had a great rest and ready to start your day just focusing on the Lord. Doug here this morning with todays thoughts on Sundays sermon from Michael Frat.

Sunday was a great message on the fact that pain and suffering is and will be a part of our lives until we die. It's not easy to accept nor is it easy to make the choice to endure it while still praising God in it.

Yet we see the saints of old in all the stories the Bible tells us accepting what came into their lives because they knew that God was sovereign and He always had a plan to use it for their Good and the Good of others. Michael spoke about How Paul went through much but in suffering , through pain , through hunger and through beatings and jail God was able to use Him for His glory. Paul through it all was still able to sign songs of praise from a cell , was still able to witness to those around Him , and was still able to make a difference no matter what situation he found himself in because He knew God was still with Him.

Jesus himself did not escape pain and suffering , matter of fact because of you and I he chose to embrace it . He knows all about pain and suffering.  Isaiah 53:3
He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

I find so much comfort in knowing the God of the universe  Sees me , is by my side and knows exactly what I'm going through. So my prayer is that despite what you may be facing today , despite the hurt and pain, you choose to embrace what God has allowed into your life , without question knowing He's in control.

Psalm 50:15   Call on me in the day of trouble;
    I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”

Depend on the mercies of God today ,  He is faithful and will cause you to honor Him but their are choices that must be made and one of those choices is to embrace pain and suffering because like Michael said there is Joy on the other side of all of it...

I love you all have a great day...


Colleen - November 21st, 2023 at 6:40am

Thank you Doug for the dev. Really an eye opener. It really it home.

Erica - November 21st, 2023 at 8:30am

Thank you for the encouraging Devo Doug

DOROTHY SAVOIE - November 21st, 2023 at 3:11pm

When Michel said about Joy the other side of suffering wow it encouraged me to continue my good work with God...not to be discourage...Its for sure I ve went throu lots of pain sufferings but today after God s healing I am so much happy in this chuch.Gee we receive so much never taugh there were so many brooken people..What a choc...thanks

DOROTHY SAVOIE - November 21st, 2023 at 12:43pm

thanks I am too doopey cant think .God bless you.

DOROTHY SAVOIE - November 21st, 2023 at 3:11pm

When Michel said about Joy the other side of suffering wow it encouraged me to continue my good work with God...not to be discourage...Its for sure I ve went throu lots of pain sufferings but today after God s healing I am so much happy in this chuch.Gee we receive so much never taugh there were so many brooken people..What a choc...thanks

DOROTHY SAVOIE - November 21st, 2023 at 9:51am

will be back was out patient

DOROTHY SAVOIE - November 21st, 2023 at 3:11pm

When Michel said about Joy the other side of suffering wow it encouraged me to continue my good work with God...not to be discourage...Its for sure I ve went throu lots of pain sufferings but today after God s healing I am so much happy in this chuch.Gee we receive so much never taugh there were so many brooken people..What a choc...thanks

DOROTHY SAVOIE - November 21st, 2023 at 12:43pm

thanks I am too doopey cant think .God bless you.

DOROTHY SAVOIE - November 21st, 2023 at 3:11pm

When Michel said about Joy the other side of suffering wow it encouraged me to continue my good work with God...not to be discourage...Its for sure I ve went throu lots of pain sufferings but today after God s healing I am so much happy in this chuch.Gee we receive so much never taugh there were so many brooken people..What a choc...thanks





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